Woke up at 5.00am with a throat that felt like the texas chainsaw masacre but a strepsil and a lemsip allowed me to function at least a little. My first job of the day was to get the tivo working using the new guided setup image that the dudes at oztivo have worked so hard to perfect. I figured now was the perfect time seeming as the tivo didn’t have anything interesting on it due to the fact that it’s guide data hadn’t been updated for 3 weeks.
I’m going to claim illness and jetlag on the fact that I tried to burn the image as an iso instead of a file which is why it didn’t work to start with. But the 1 hour I spent trying to image the file on to the tivo hard drive wasn’t my fault, it seemed that when I burnt it to cd it corrupted the file for some reason. It would almost finish imaging using mfstools and then get a decompression error at the end. I ended up doing a checksum on it and discovered it was corrupt, so I threw the second cd away and copied the file on to the usb harddrive and copied it to the local harddrive.
After that guided setup was virtually a breeze. It was so good to have tivo setup the ir codes and all the channels – and it can add new ones easily if things change. The best thing though is that their genre data is vastly improved and it looks like the curling genre may be a thing of the past!! This means it will be more accurate when picking shows that I might like. Australian tivo users can now update their tivos as easily as they do in America. Come to think of it though, I didn’t see one tivo the whole time I was there, nor did I see one ad for it. hmmm.
I then spent the rest of the day preparing my music for the ipod. Adding genres to music and fixing up tags on mp3s is a very mundane task but the reward is great. But I am going to have to be selective of what goes on there seeming as Pauline and I are sharing it. She doesn’t seem to be in to rap or heavy metal, especially since all her favourite songs have the word love in it. 🙂
I am so hanging out to use it!!!!!!