Christmas is meant to be the time of being with family, sharing joy, giving presents and eating a sleigh full of food. So why is it that I’m kind of wishing that me and my powerbook can curl up together and complete all the little projects I’ve got going. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, here are a few of my unfinished things:

  • Upgrading my photo gallery to Gallery version 2 (it’s taking a while to get the stylesheet right)
  • Creating a cd slideshow of our trip to Melbourne to distribute to the relatives
  • Finish exporting the neighbours episodes to my mac and converting the small clips in to a large Lana and Skye story
  • Finding a fix as to why firefox doesn’t display html and css pages properly because it sends the wrong mime types
  • Adding some links to my website and redesigning the side nav (also import all the old site posts in and remove the link to the old one)
  • Export the Alfa restoration episodes off the tivo for Keith
  • Get some cron jobs going that back up my home directory to my server
  • Backup my music on to dvd (this may take a while)
  • Read the numerous books I have piled up
  • Finish the second season in Fifa 2005 so I can become manager of a different team

I’m hoping I can tick one at least of these items off but it’s not looking likely. The Woodford folk festival will also be dragging me away from the computer on the 29th as I discover if the Waifs and Missy Higgins are any good live. Even if it is shit though it will at least make a post in my log – I mean blog. 😉



3 thoughts on “Unfinished business

  1. dbee says:

    goodness me..I wish my ‘to do’ list all involved me sitting on my bum in front of a computer! haha (just kidding)..hope you remember to get out and walk the dog, Amy, and I’m excited that Pauline is looking forward to Woodford. Maybe she should leave you at home to blog about downloaded studio albums while we enjoy the real thing!! Luv ya still :0)

  2. Kel says:

    Oh and Mum loves your log 🙂

    Well you won’t be going to Woodford if I forget the tent!! Only joking – I won’t (again)

  3. Lucy-loo says:

    I’m gonna go see the waifs and missy higgins in feb i think with mother and her friend. I won’t be able to hear anything though, remember Mum and the karaoke machine… This will be worse!


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