Ok, so I’m still getting used to this blogging stuff. I’ve never been much of journal writer, and I don’t have much discipline to commit to anything for very long. But today I dedicated some time to learning about movable type and the windows client for it w.bloggar. If you were the one person who spent a minute perusing my site you may have noticed that the “books I’m reading” has now gone, and in it’s place is a “reading, listening, buying, watching” sideblog. Everything I needed to know about sideblogs I learnt at silverberry dot org and scriptygoddess (by way of the google cache).

The site still isn’t pretty in the way I’d prefer, but I figure I might as well get in to the habit of getting content worthwhile up. I’ve always been one for substance and not appearance. 🙂

Now, if I can just figure out how to get my tivo to show what it’s recording on this site.



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