Breakfast in the hotel today – a very expensive buffet and really probably not worth it except for the incredible omelet the egg chef made. Although the selection was ok, it just didn’t have that “oh la la” feeling that I’ve had in places like the Marco Polo hotel in Hong Kong or the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Probably has something to do with the coffee not being great – that really is important to a grumpy person in the morning.

Amazing omlet for breakfast

Surprisingly, my plans for the day once again involved lazy by the beach and the pool. I worked really hard on doing that and was rewarded with more inroads in to my book (Infinite Jest – the biggest and heaviest book in the world).

In the afternoon I wandered down to the Fisho Spa to try out something I’d been dying to try since I’d read about it years ago. Like the name, it’s a fish spa and it is primarily set up for fish to eat you. There is a certain species of fish that loves dining on human skin, so some bright spark came up with the idea to get them to do it for “healing properties”. For people with psoriasis this would work really well, but for average skin people, it’s more just for fun. I was the only one in the store and signed up for 30 mins of skin eating time. They of course put me at the front street level where people could see what was going on. As soon as you dip your feet in the fish go for you. It’s like a million tiny things are tickling you and I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time it happened. The fish will dart off  if you move your leg too suddenly but they always come back. Some people are grossed out by the idea of sticking your legs in where other gross people have been but I lived with the hope that they had good sanitation processes. At the end I didn’t really feel any difference with my skin on the legs but I did have a great time – especially with all the people who stopped to gawk and laugh.

THe Fisho Spa

Fisho fish spa

Where I put my feet to get eaten by fish

Watched my final sunset in Thailand, sad that my trip was nearly over, but excited to be heading home. Afterwards I went to get my laundry, but it was running late, so I killed some more time in my hotel room. Went out to get a 4 cheeses pizza for dinner in the same street as my laundry which I picked up in it’s incredible wrapping and folding. I love the laundries of Thailand – they are great at what they do, although I do seem to have some purple cotton threaded in to all the clothes I gave them. Must have been to keep mine separate from other peoples.

Sun sets over Phuket

Ultimate laundry folding

4 cheese pizza


Accommodation: Banthai Beach Resort & Spa

Tweets of the Day:


2010-03-06 01:24:59
amyob: Last full day in Thailand. *sigh* excited to be heading home tomorrow but will miss being a traveller. #fb
2010-03-06 01:36:59
amyob: @digitiel just wondering… Do u offer buffet breakfasts with fresh fruit at home?
2010-03-06 02:38:41
amyob: One last visit to Patong Beach for a session of lazing and reading
and tanning.
2010-03-06 11:33:25
amyob: Phuket described with one image.
2010-03-06 12:07:39
amyob: My final sunset in Thailand. 🙁 #fb

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