So I’ve been playing with my new camera for a couple of weeks and have done some really really bad photos. Some were overexposed, some were underexposed and a lot were blurry. I keep trying to run before I can crawl but when I got my first night photo without blur I was pleased as punch. I think I’m trying to be too complicated at the moment by trying to emulate people who have been doing it for years but I guess if I keep trying to be like the pros eventually I’ll have to at least become a substandard one.
When I stick to unplanned spur of the moment ones I usually come up with the best pictures and I think this one of my neice Ella is my best one yet. She is such a poser whenever a camera comes near her and you’d think that Elle McPherson had been giving her tips for this one. She’s so funny!
Everybody, this is the face of “Australia’s Next Top Model” (please tell me you’ve seen the TV show.
Look at the mystery in her face!
OhmyGod, I think I can see Amy in Ella! I may be the only one though….
The similarity is in the rubenesque appearance Sue.