My little trip to Cairns prompted a complete about face in terms of my transportation options. My 1985 Alfa 33 is reaching the point where it is only good for parts (unless the pimp my ride guys are reading this – in which case it would be a brilliant choice to be pimped!). I was considering replacing it with a ute or wagon so that I could take things to the dump but it just isn’t as fun as my new idea. The little 50cc vmotos we hired to careen around Cairns were so exciting and breathtaking that it inspired my new potential purchase. I must have had some ideas I was leaning in that direction when I spoke about it in March but now I’m pretty deadly serious about owning another italian icon – The Vespa.
You’ve probably noticed the vespa orgy on my sidebar since I visited some scooter stores in Brisbane. I was leaning towards the classic PX model when I visited the Scootopia store at The Grange but Joe the very helpful salesman steered me away by pointing out a few of it’s downfalls. For one the motor is only on one side which makes it a little unbalanced but mainly the problem is that it is manual which isn’t a good idea for someone who hasn’t ridden a motorbike before. He suggested the ET4 at 150cc which is a good size for me – the GT was just a little too big. My only problem was that I wasn’t really fond of the ET4’s looks – it just seemed a little too bubble car to me. I think the main problem is with it’s orange indicator lights at the front. I then discovered that there is a new model coming out called the LX which looks very similar to the GT but is the ET replacement. Wicked! Scootopia are actually opening a store near Wow at Annerley in the next few weeks so when they open I may be first in line to buy one (if they are stocking that model).
First though I have to get my motorcycle learners which I *think* only requires answering 4 out of 5 questions right. In the meantime I am doing what is really the most important thing – figuring out what super cool custom paint job I’m going to get for it. Do I go all retro and do mod stuff or do I put something dopey on it like marijuana plants? I was thinking of stealing this Wonder Woman bike idea until I realised that it would just look like I was promoting the movie when it comes out. Anyone got any ideas for a custom paint job that doesn’t make me look like a corporate gimmick?