I have an unspoken order of heirarchy with my cups. When every glass is clean in the cupboard I will always reach for the wide load short stubby coke one. It’s good because it has a line at the bottom that happens to be the perfect measure for cordial and it just fits nice in my hand. Plus it holds a lot of liquid.

In regards to coffee cups I used to go for the big ones that featured in the first ever Big Brother series (I bought it at Freedom) but I have a bit of a preference for the alcatraz cup that is black and white and was bought at some tourist place near Pier 39.

For tea Pauline and I always have the petite fake china looking cups but a newcomer has raced to the lead which fits my more graphic design with humour leanings. Bought on the cheap at coles a few weeks ago is my new tea break cups. I know it’s stupid but I thinking it is funny to be making tea in a teapot and drinking it in a cup that looks like it has a tea bag in it. Yeah, the little things amuse me. Don’t you just love them:





3 thoughts on “Cup of tea?

  1. dbee says:

    yes I have a couple of favourites too. When I’m feeling particularly good in the morning I’ll better it even further by pouring delicious hot coffee into my ‘monkey wearing green socks’ cup. It is the little things :o)

  2. Kel says:

    I have this one that an unspoken of sister gave me for Christmas – it’s short, fat, holds LOADS of liquid (meaning I have to get up less!) and says “hot chocolate” on it. Only downfall is that it’s my cup at work and perfect for making cappucino’s in. But still a fantastic cup.

    I looked at those pictures, and it wasn’t until I read your actual story that I realised that it was a fake tea bag. I think that’s a COOL cup!

  3. Kel says:

    Actually, I was just thinking about it, and I wish that I had those hot chocolate cups that we had at that chocolate shop in Melbourne “chocolate by the bald man”. Can’t remember what it was called now!! *shock* but his hot chocolates were divine!!


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