Geez, I go in to my blog to write a post and noticed its been a week since my last confession! I’ve been spending any spare pc time I’ve had cleaning up my bloglines so I’ve been lax in my blog responsibilities. I also started my new job last week so I’ve been pre-ocuppied with that. I’m so out of practise that I even started this entry with one of the worst blog faux-pas you can make – saying sorry for not posting for ages!
On Saturday I went to my first photography lesson at Tafe. There were about 14 of us ranging from the Canon Photocopier dude who had all the expensive gear to the housewife learning to use her little Canon Powershot. Some people also turned up with film SLRs but the most popular camera by far was the Canon 350d (3 of us had one). A lot of the course was spent talking what to look for when purchasing the camera and thanks to my months of research I managed to understand what he was talking about. I could hear quite a few people having their “aha” moment – when something clicked, but I had to wait until almost the end when he talked about aperture. I didn’t get why f-stop 2.8 with one shutter speed was the same as f-stop 22 with another shutter speed. Why the hell is there that many then, I was thinking? It was only when he said that it is the depth of field that is the influence when making your choice. Aha! I thought. We didn’t get any homework so I’ll make my own by trying out his f-stop/shutter speed suggestions for night shots. I’m already noticing that I’m starting to understand some of the numbers on my camera lcd now which is great!
Last thursday I was working late so I scooted around Kangaroo Point and West End looking for some good photos. Thankfully there was a thunderstorm for me to practise on, but I was out there 2 hours and probably only got 4 good photos. In fact I was hanging out on the corner of Dornoch and Hardgrave Rd for so long that some dude yelled at me “Are you still there, what the hell are you doing?”. I’m hoping to up my good to bad ratios after this course. For now, I’m pleased with this effort and although I did a photoshop version without the powerlines, I ended up liking this version better:
Of course none of my photos are as good as the one of Kelly’s TROPHY!!!
Perhaps Leo Nine’s next album cover? Power lines might become a recurring feature!
I agree Kelly. Amy does have a knack for taking good shots of powerlines. 😉
Hey I’m not the only one who does it, there is a whole flickr group dedicated to photos of power lines
Only a couple of them are as good as the ones you’ve taken, so stand tall and proud 🙂
And to capture power lines with lightning, well that’s almost like a contradiction or something isn’t it? Can’t find the word, but you could pretend to be all deep and meaningful, because it’s two completely different forms of power within the one shot. Wow. 🙂