It’s a day when I can go downstairs to get something to eat and not have to wait in line. A day when you could be mistaken for thinking it’s the 1950s again thanks to the ladies in their beautiful hats. A day when tumbleweeds roll across the Queen St Mall except for the large area designated for the TAB. Yes, its the race that stops a nation – the Melbourne Cup that does all of this.
I’ve tended to become a bit of a betting bitch on Melbourne Cup days since the time I won $60 on a work sweep. This morning my betting rundown went like this:
$2 work sweep – Makybe Diva
$1 work sweep – Xcellent
$5 to win $5 to place – Leica Falcon (I liked the photography type name)
$4 to place – Xcellent
$5 trifecta – Makybe Diva, Leica Falcon, Eye Popper
$3 Mystery trifecta bet – Makybe Diva, Leica Falcon, Mr Celebrity
In total, $25 outlay. Please note that I placed my bets before I found out my sweep, so I was shocked to see the simliarity. You probably know by now that Makybe Diva broke the records by winning 3 in a row and Xcellent came 3rd so I had a good day. In total I won $59.60 giving me a profit of about $34! Not bad for standing around eating food and saying go horse go!
Haha, u got my money coz thats about as much as I was down today 🙁 I picked up the win and place for Makybe Diva, then picked up 6 bucks in the office sweeps for Xcellent and On a Jeune. It was my trifecta and quinella that lost me money 🙁
Well I bet $10, and won $4 thanks to Makybe – she was always going to be a sure bet.
My friend had a dream about the first 4 horses, and went to bet on them but didn’t have enough money in his wallet so decided not to worry about it, rather than try and beg his fiance for money. If he had put it on, he would have been $46,000 richer. I was sitting with him during the race, and needless to say he was devastated. I think I even saw a tear. Yep, that would have paid for a majority of their wedding 🙁