On thursday night I thought I’d take advantage of the knowledge I’d gained at the Tafe course and went out to get some night shots. My aim was to get some photos of Brisbane that aren’t the usual Story Bridge or city skyskrapers near the river. I ended up getting some of the best photos I’ve ever taken and was so happy about it that I was on a high for days. I know they aren’t going to win any photography awards but these pictures are the closest I’ve gotten to portraying the mood and colour that I’ve wanted to see in my pictures. It’s so cool that I got them after one lesson, I’m now hoping I can start to achieve moods using daylight – I think that is so much harder. I added this pictures to flickr and now I can’t stop checking how many people have added the pictures as their favourites, it just spurs me on to want to take more. I’m so glad that this camera purchase wasn’t a gadget that sits on the shelf. 🙂

Botanic Gardens at night

The lighthouse/mill in Spring HIll

McDonalds at the Eagle St Pier



6 thoughts on “A night out in Brisbane

  1. mib says:

    I tried to tell you on Flickr the structure on the hill above Brisbane was not a lighthouse. Never was. I fact there would be no useful purpose in having a lighthouse located there. The following quote explains the uses for the building:

    “The Old Windmill & Observatory on Wickham Terrace, dates from 1828. It was originally built to grind grain for the early convict colony but, due to a fundamental design error, failed to work properly. It was converted to a signal post and later to a meteorological observatory.”

  2. mib says:

    Most people enjoy a good fairytale. Must do, they read papers! Come to think of it you got all the makings of a damn fine journalists there Miss Amy. 8-D

  3. amyo says:

    That’s right, I work from memory mostly and check up the internet if my mind is vague. If I can’t find it on the net I’ll use it anyway and rely on you to fix it for me. Lazy writing at it’s greatest!

    Who needs to be edumacated to get a journilist job an who neds to spil iether. 🙂

  4. mib says:

    By Geaorge I think she’s got it! Now not too much of this checking stuff on the internet. It could make you kill a prefectly good story. Just remember as long as you have “exactly several” facts you are ready to go with it. 😉

  5. Lucy-Loo says:

    Fantasic pics Amy:D. I dont seem to recall ever seeing the lighthouse/mill/Observatory ever…YAY!!EXCUSE TO GO TO BRISBANE!!


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