One of my photos is missing. That’s because blogging pays! A guy I work with has a wicked cool band called Leo Nine and are releasing a new album shortly. They’ve already released an ep and even had some triplej play. Jeremy visits this site every once in a while and became fond of a photo I took while in California. In fact, he was so fond of it that he decided to put it on the front of the album! I’ve taken a photo that is now album art!!!! How cool and unexpected is that! Can you tell I’m excited by the amount of exclamation marks I’ve used!!

He has given me some dosh and promised a few copies of the album when it comes out in return for the copyright of the photo. It meant that I had to remove the large version off the website, but you can still see the small one in all it’s glory. I’ve also been lucky enough to listen to a few of the rough versions of the songs before it’s final master and I’m enjoying it a lot (especially “give a little”). I can’t wait for the album to come out and I get to see them play live. I even get a credit inside the sleeve!

I was a little afraid to tell him that the origin of the photo was that we were driving on a rainy day to San Louis Obispo and I saw a tonne of these electricity poles so as we drove by I snapped a shot saying it was for my Auntie Sue who works at Energex. My best photos always end up being ones that aren’t framed meticulously.

See, even when you are only blogging for your own amusement some good can come out of your toil!



2 thoughts on “Electricity

  1. Twmpyn says:

    Yay! for unplanned photos. Good for you. I love Leo Nine and strangely enough, used to work with one of the other members a gazillion years ago. It’s great to hear they’ve got some new stuff coming out and it will have such a kickin’ cover

  2. Amyo says:

    How weird is that! Six degrees of seperation in Brisbane isn’t there? I hope you go to their cd launch concert when it’s on – I’ll probably advertise the date on this site. Stay tuned!


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