I did this a month or three ago now but thanks to GTD I’m actually getting around to blogging it. After all the work on the deck I decided that the back room needed a bit of an upgrade so I painted it and gave it some art and furniture. I’m pretty happy with the results but still need to buy a red leather couch and a rug for it. Also have to put up the photo frame wall which will go where the photo of Pauline’s mum is now. Everytime my mum visits she complains that I don’t have one of her so I have to appease her. It doesn’t help that I every time I try to take a picture she puts her hand up to stop me and doesn’t let me take one!




3 thoughts on “It’s grey out the back

  1. Kel says:

    I am really really really impressed! Can’t wait to see it for real. Perhaps it’s just that your photography has become so good that you can disguise an ugly room, OR it seriously is beautiful.

    Although I am impressed by your photography I tend to believe it seriously does look that good. I especially like your pictures.

  2. mib says:

    Lookin’ good. As for your Mum’s photo just get one framed with her hands up. This way she can’t complain you don’t have one of her, and she may be more willing to let you get a good one of her. 😉

  3. Kel says:

    Do you know that might turn out to be a good photo too? Do a macro on her hand!!


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