Yesterday was the last game of the hattrick season and it ended up being horrible for me. My team has pretty much been in the lead since the halfway point but after a run of draws the other teams had caught up and I was only leading by a point. I HAD to win yesterdays game to get the medal.
I was pretty confident as the team I was playing was 2nd last but it was an away match at their home ground and my team spirit was a bit lame after the draws. So I told them to that this was the “Match of the Season” so that they would play harder. This means that after the game their team spirit would drop, but I was willing to run that risk just to win the league.
Their team scored, then my team came back a few minutes later. It was 1-1 at half-time and possession was even at 50%. Immediately after the break they came out and scored. My guys brought it back to 2-2 but went awol after that and let in another goal. From then on it was all about the other team, but my swedish goalkeeper kept the score at 3-2. Not even the new $6 million defender helped. My guys just didn’t have the heart to make a comeback and when the game was all over so was our season. We came second overall and there was no medal in our trophy cabinet.
Glory was ripped from us right at the end. It was like we were the evil team that the mighty ducks had overcome. At least I can take joy that Jason Marriott was the highest scorer in the league with 23 goals. Like any other defeated team I get to say “there’s always next season”.
Awww, don’t you hate that. I never thought Hattrick would be that good, never envoke those sorts of emotions because it’s text based, but it’s surprising just how worked up a person can get!! I used to be cranky when I lost 🙂
my god i have never seen anyone so worked up over an internet site or a game on an internet site. bad luck that you lost the final and there is always next year that you can play :). In the mean time why don’t you play Apples to Apples with your friends, that is if you can tear yourself away from the TV, computer, XBOX, ipod, etc. lol
Well I’m not bawling just yet. I’ve dealt with this sort of pain in hattrick before, just not so dramatically. I want a 3rd division medal dammit!
The apples game was great, until Mum nearly won it. 😉
What is this apples game that you speak of?
It’s a card game Gerry got us to play the other day. Fun game because Auntie Sue and Mum just bullshitted the whole time. Pauline spent the whole time saying awww why did you have to pick me! 🙂
And thats because I’m no bullshitter.
The ‘judge’ player puts down a ‘red’ [or it might have been ‘green’ card] with a word on it. The rest of the players have to put down one ‘green’ card from their hand of 7 that they think relates in some way to the lead card. Last one to put down a card is out of that round. The judge picks a card from the pile that they think could be the winning card but the person who put that card down has to explain how their word on the card relates to the lead card. Thats when the bullshitting begins.
I found I was never getting a card down because I spent too much time considering what the best card would be. I assumed the rest of the players just put down anything or are just quick thinkers. But unfortunately when I played like that [just putting down anything] my card would always be picked and I’d have to make something up.
Was fun though. I just have to loosen up a little.
That sounds like the funnest game! And how funny would it be seeing Pauline contemplating what to say, and being crap at bullshitting?!
And even funniest to see the shit that my mother would have come up with.
I think auntie sue was the best bullshitter of them all! Shes a sly one our auntie, we gotta watch her
Lucky she’s not a maniac depressant huh, who got caught in the two-sami.
When are you going to create the dictionary of auntie sue? I like maniac-depressive much better than manic depressive.
I’ll do it today – for once I’ve been a bit busy at home & work.
i think aunty lyn did a bit of bullshitting when we played. But poor Pauline never got her cards down because she actually “thought” about it before she played, nobody thinks in this game a braindead amniesa suffering guy could play it and win. we also had to shut our eyes because we purposly not choosing aunty lyn’s cards ;P. Aunty Sue kept jacking up the number of cards needed to win the game and also on aunty sue you would die of old old old age before you finished writing a dictionary for all her words and sentences and phrases she uses :p.
Well you can now hide in the crowd. Hattrick has now surpassed 500 000 active users.
Well the attempt of a dictionary has been done now. You can check it out on my page 🙂
i read it, its pretty good. oh and i think i may have midly f****d up my pc 🙁 🙁 so if mum kills me ill see you all in hell. if you want details ask amy, she has the email i sent her.
As Amy would say,
“Who’s bad?!”
is that supposed to tie in with the comment i put or what?
Yep – you’re naughty – you broke the computer. But glad to see that you’re still alive and doing well!!
well i realise that i havent broken the pc yet…but i certainly have wasted alot of megabytes of broadband 😛
That must be so hard to do as well! *grin* I’m lucky I don’t have broadband (*cough* yet *cough*) because otherwise I would be paying out SO much for excess usage. I’m still on 56k.
As for breaking the PC, everytime I click to download something, Mat thinks that I’m downloading virus’ to his new cool ass PC. So I humour him, and say – “Don’t worry!! this one won’t crash the computer, only make it run REALLY slow!!”
hehe lol that is real funny hehehe. but what is REALLY funny is the fact that you are living in the past with no broadband. hahahahahahahahahaha no broadband hahahahahahahahahaha.
Well I prefer to spend my money in better ways, like paying off credit cards *cry*
You’re lucky your mum still pays for lots of stuff.
you know what, I am lucky mum pays for a lot of my stuf :D. But I’m slowly slowly starting to pay for a lot of my stuff too. And mum said something like if wer (me and Lucy) waste the broadband in the first two weeks we have to pay for it :P. So I am paying for stuff. HA!
How hard your life must be 😛
Oh my god, with my birthday looming on Friday I’ve realised I’m getting old – I’m saying “remember what it was like without bills”.
I’m gonna go sit in my rocking chair.
oh my god your bday is in 2 days!!! and i havent done anything about :P. Oh well, craps to you.
Yeah craps to me – if only your Mum was at my party, it would be complete. I would have downloaded the karaoke version of “Rave On”!!
oh well she is here, not there. Craps to you again 😛 :P.
No way craps to me – your mum rocks!! I’m stoked just to know her.
Don’t know if you’re aware of this or not (haha) but you all sent me a HUGE bunch of flowers to me today for my birthday – they’re gorgeous!!
So thanks again guys!
What’s with all the O’Brien conversation on this page?!!!