I was browsing through Doug Gilford’s meticulous documentation of every Mad comic cover from it’s inception in 1952 until this day when I came across the first one I ever bought. For me it was like buying a crossword or puzzle book because the whole magazine had in-jokes that I didn’t understand and poked fun at tv shows or movies that I was too young to see. I suspect the magazine gave me my off-colour and obscure sense of humour that I fall upon to this day. It also instilled me a great desire to find out why a joke was funny if I didn’t get it. Sadly the copies of the magazine I have still in my collection range from $3-$5 in value which aren’t much of a payback for the years spent lugging the boxes around from house to house. Here’s hoping my Rollingstone magazine collection from 1990 to today is worth a little bit more.



3 thoughts on “Mad

  1. Alicia says:


    can you please email me so I can have a chat with you.


  2. dbee says:

    Ummm arrrrrr!!! I TOLD you to contact Alicia, Aaaammy!! Naughty girl 😉

  3. Kel says:

    Alicia’s note makes her sound like a boss or something calling you into her office. It’s a real serious “so we can chat”.



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