Apologies for the lack of updates, but I certainly haven’t been neglecting this blog. I’ve been hard at work designing a new look and as a teaser I’ve attached a teeny tiny image to give you something to think about. The Ekka holiday helped me accomplish quite a bit to nudge me that much closer to the self inflicted end of the month go live date but I suspect I’ll still be coding like mad while on my holiday at the end of the month.
When not working on my site I’m trying hard to settle in to my new role at work which is in a new building but just down the road from the old one. I’m still working on websites, but this time my work can be seen by people on the internet instead of just internally. This new work is teaching me how to NOT design websites (i.e the difference between good and bad web practises). I’m also getting some quotes to get a back deck put on the house and may have decided on a winner.
Hopefully this will set your mind at ease that I haven’t been absent because I got injured on the scooter or something. In fact I’ve been getting a little bit braver on my rides to work and have gotten it down to about a 15 minute trip. Just don’t tell Pauline though. 😉
Hello miss, was nice to see your blog, very fantastic I must say. Am writing this from Singapore Airport, on my way home now. Just wanted to let you know that I got engaged while we were in Singapore, and was so excited I needed to let you know. Will call you when I get home!!!! Take Care and send my love to Pauline.
Love Michelle