If you experience wierd outages and ugly pages and stuff, it’s because I’m changing the look of my site (it’s too girly). So for a while you may see different styles on different pages while I get it fixed.
Once again, it proves that I am highly unprofessional in regards to not having a development site, but once again I say that for my total readership of two, this shouldn’t be that big a deal. 😀
I’d also like to say that I blatenly stole this from a blogger template that caught my eye.
On behalf of your loyal readership I wish to say that your callous disregard for us cuts us deeply.
It wasn’t disregard, it was the fact that I know you guys are incredibly understanding, and realise it’s all about the content, no matter how pretty it is. 😉
And also, isn’t it better now that it works again in firefox?
Interestingly enough, the old site worked fine on my powerbook firefox. Must be just those windows users.
I liked the old site 🙁
hey look, there’s Marisa in the top right corner for soccer photos 🙂
why, what was better about the old site? don’t you like khaki? 😀
Don’t know about khaki, more olive drab. I think the background colour is the wrong hue for the 2 forground greens. Other than that it is okay, but where is the link to Kelly?
I should’ve known better than to call a colour a colour when you’re around! 😉
I got rid of her because I’m going to make a page of links. Plus she is in Dalby this weekend and wouldn’t notice. 😀
So, then, should I go back to the old style then but make it work in firefox? I kind of thought this style was a bit cleaner and easier to read.
I like your new layout, but the archive pages still don’t work properly in FireFox…
And see, you have more than 2 readers 😀
Damn those infernal scientists for cloning my two readers and morphing them in to more people! What exactly isn’t working in firefox?
I’m not sure about the orange banner – I mean who uses orange on a website? Soooooo 70s. How about a nice jade? Or emerald?